One Week in June


Rob and Clare and Dave and Ellen and Harold and Fran all arrived at the Spencer house property late in the day June 12, 2007 after a 7 hour trip from Ann Arbor. Clare did a wonderful job driving that big truck!


This picture shows the gravel driveway to the house looking away from the house.


This next picture shows the same view looking towards the house. You can see the gate, the main house the small house and, behind the trees the garage. We have arrived!


The six of us spent the rest of the week unpacking the truck, fixing up the main house, and having some fun along the way.
Fran and Harold were in charge of cleaning the kitchen. Here Fran scrubs down the old refrigerator which will be used for storage since it doesn’t work.


Harold put his efforts into cleaning the stove. Is it clean enough?


Ellen ripped off the wallpaper in the alcove where the new refrigerator will go – only to find MOLD!


So, Rob took down the the old, moldy drywall …


… and Clare and Dave put up new green drywall. Harold will apply a couple of layers of drywall mud before the week is over.


By Sunday June 17 the kitchen was ready for cooking. Rob made pancakes for breakfast and a rice dish for supper. Delicious as usual.


One of the highlights of the week was attending a Hog Roast/Pitch-in at the Fender’s home. This is the hog that Louie Fender roasted. He makes his own special sauce to go with the delicious meat. The neighbors brought their specialties for a potluck dinner.

At the end of the week the six of us posed for this picture. It was a week of work, of fun and of creating many memories. Harold and Fran learned a lot about the history of the house(s) and Clare’s family and their friends. If we look tired, well – we were. But it was still a great week. One we will remember for many years.

The two sets of parents left on Monday, June 18. Now Rob and Clare can put their own touches on this special home.