April Buchheit meets Spencer

April, Clare, and Spencer all seem happy

April, Clare, and Spencer all seem happy

This week April came to visit us for a few days. It was nice to get some tips from another mom with some very recent experience. She helped us better our baby burrito swaddling technique, and added some swinging and shushing a la “Happiest Baby on the Block”. Rob and Paul were nice enough to take care of the kids so that April and Clare could have some quality girl time. Thanks guys!

Spencer likes to suck his hands (any digit will do)

Spencer likes to suck his hands (any digit will do)

Spencer has been growing and developing quite a bit. Today marks the beginning of his 5th week of life. His head control is starting to get more refined and less jerky, he self soothes by sucking on random parts of his hand(s), and lately he has been making faces that resemble a smile at appropriate times. It only gets more fun to play with him.

Smile? Yawn? We're not sure.

Smile? Yawn? We’re not sure.
April updating her friendfeed

April updating her friendfeed
Clare and the 'fly guy' (that is what his shirt says)

Clare and the ‘fly guy’ (that is what his shirt says)
April shows us her baby soothing tricks

April shows us her baby soothing tricks

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