Spencer’s mobile [mobeel]

Spencer's mobile

Spencer's mobile
Spencer enthralled by the mobile

Spencer enthralled by the mobile

Sandy and Elise got us a very cool mobile, which I set up for Spencer last week. I set it up last week because he has been more and more interested in checking out his surroundings, and has been fascinated with fans for awhile now. Much to our delight, it keeps him entertained for a fair amount of time, sometimes even 20-30 minutes, though it depends on his mood. On Sunday he was very amused by the mobile for awhile, and I was lucky enough to catch him on video.

It’s a tiny love “nature’s serenade mobile”. It turns around, plays music, and can light up. What I think it particularly cool about it, is that it is on a slant, and has some things on it that move up and down as it turns around, since the slant gives it some gravity to work with. My only complaint is that they seem to have misnamed Clair de Lune as “nature”.

[flv:/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/mobile.flv 480 270]

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