Bikes and dinosaurs

Spencer touching a fossil at Dinosaur Ridge
Spencer touching a fossil at Dinosaur Ridge
Here are two totally unrelated topics. Several weeks ago we went to Dinosaur Ridge to see some dinosaur fossils. It was lots of fun. Spencer seemed to really enjoy it. Here is a picture of him with a fossil.

In other news, Spencer continues to ride his Strider bike almost every day, and likes it very much. He is also getting quite fast, so I bought him a helmet several weeks ago. The day we bought the helmet, he was very excited to try it on, but then it was nap time. After his nap, he kept asking for his “elmo”, and was getting very upset. We eventually figured out he was asking for his “helmet”. We’re still working on the pronunciation of that one a bit.
[flv:/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/strider2.flv 352 288]

One Reply to “Bikes and dinosaurs”

  1. He is so much faster! No wonder he needs the helmet. Such a look of freedom, but not much commentary. Just do it!

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