Hello Michigan and Moores

Tuesday happened, but once again without photographic evidence. Clare and Dave took Spencer, Meg, Wolfie, and Spencer’s friend Mason to a new trampoline place nearby, for which Ellen had gotten a GroupOn. Unfortunately Rob stayed home to research new property managers, as we decided we were no longer happy with our current property manager. Meg went to stay the night at Bailey’s house, and Dave, Rob, and Spencer enjoyed watching the water boy in the evening.

On Wednesday morning we woke up and had breakfast at a normal time, except for Meg, who had stayed the night at Bailey’s house. We got packed up and Dave drove us to the airport, fully prepared with sandwiches for lunch. By the time we arrived in Michigan, it was dinner time. We picked up Shish Gardens (and McDonald’s for those who don’t like fantastic middle eastern food). Sadie and Erika joined us soon after we arrived, and we had a nice meal and exchanged a few goodies we had gotten for each other, then fell into bed.

Thursday morning we all slept in, still getting used to the new time zone a bit, and enjoyed a relaxing morning, including playing the new Monopoly card game we just got from the Feltys, which was a bit hit the whole stay. In the afternoon we met Christine, Elliot and Marcel at the Ann Arbor Hands-on Museum (Plan A was Wheeler Park, but that got rained out). After the museum we went to the Arbor Brewing Company for dinner, and enjoyed having a kids table and an adult table. We topped the day off with some Kilwin’s ice cream.

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